Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Something More

"The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'Matthew 25:40

 God has introduced me to a brother in Christ who comes from this village. I am beyond trying to put into words how my heart breaks for anyone who has no choice to live like this. And yet, they are still considered fortunate. To love a fellow person just because is to be loved as Jesus loved us.
 Currently, They are building a church! How amazing is that?! The thing that is sought most is not items or materials for gain but to have a place of worship to show their love to a gracious God! They don't have shoes but they don't care! They want to love Christ and to have a church!! Amazing!
 In the other pictures you will see some of the women who carry pots on their heads. In some villages the women and girls must walk several miles of rural country to provide drinking water for their families. Their sacrifices mean that they are not able to go to school.
 You will also see 3 motorcycles (of sorts). These bikes are transportation to main roads and the villages only means of transportation (besides their feet of course)
 We live like kings amongst others who are blessed beyond measure. I see these children and these people and realize I have an opportunity to help others. I have little to give but God can use my gifts and talents and take my gifts and multiply them over and over beyond measure.

 I have a chance to help someone I may never meet. I have been blessed with the opportunity to bless someone else. I have been invited to be apart of non-profit organization that will help people like these.

It is in the early stages but I believe in power of an AWESOME GOD. I will continue to keep people posted and only ask for prayers. Prayers to make the right decision and prayers to do the will of the father! When other opportunities arrive, I will let you know as soon as possible should you wish to be apart of it. But, as I said, right now I only ask for prayers. Prayers for these people and those who are to help these people.


  1. amazing that you are becoming a part of something so great. Lots of prayers for you and all of these people you are involved with.
    Please keep us posted!!

  2. Praying for you. Excited for the future. May God bless you and His favour be with you always. Gage jung
