Monday, November 21, 2011

altar of faith

Many times at night, I will take some time and reflect back over my day. I talk to God about certain aspects of my day and wait patiently for some insight. I began to talk of one of my pitfalls, my greatest distraction from him. I talked to him in the hopes that, since he made me with my ticks and quirks that It'd shed some light on myself.

As I meditated in the moment, I thought of how I rationalize this flaw. I accept it as if it were my eye color or even the scar on my leg. I've prayed many times to be free of this one vice which is even more odd considering my faith and how I know that God has both set me free and given me his grace. I even know 2 Corinthians 5:17 by heart, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone , the new has come!"

So... If I'm forgiven by Grace and I'm a new creation in Christ, why is this area the easiest for me to fall apart in? Why do I accept this label of addiction and hold it hand in hand with my Grace? The not so simple truth is, that I put faith into both. I put faith in my eventual failure and run back to Grace under the weight of my conviction.
God then began to show me Abraham. He gave me a glimpse into the mountain of faith this man had to have in him and the almost insane amount of trust he had for God. So much so that it staggers my imagination. His faith in God and God's promises were always met with unfathomable blessings. It was in this moment that I marinated on this one thought:

"Put your faith in me as Abraham did."

When you do, you will get a glimpse into who I am. You say you know how big I am, but do you?

You say you trust in me, but will you?

Greatness starts from faith a small as mustard seed but your faith cannot be divided by both your trust in failure and the trust that I made you into a new creation through Jesus Christ. It's one or the other and never both. Will you stand on the faith of my promises as Abraham did and accept that you will fail no more, that you will be distracted no more and that you will no longer claim this addiction as if it was something I put in your heart? 

"Put your faith in me as Abraham did."

1 comment:

  1. It's not the amount of faith thats important but how potent it is! keep going hard for Jesus, straight grind bro! Thats what we are called to do. Be faithful as God is faithful. If you fall, get back up!
