Sunday, February 28, 2010

Status Quo ...or not

I love some of the classes I've been taking. One of my favorites is anthropology. I've dabbled in psychology and sociology, tools I'm sure I'll need as my life progresses. How people act and why has always fascinated me. One of my most simple joys in life is just "people watching." What drives them as person to achieve what they do?

Accordingly, I just finished a chapter that spoke of a persons social status. If you make 'x' amount of dollars then you are this wealthy... or this poor. If I were to measure myself by the standards set by the book, then I would fall into a category that would be 'lower class.'

I couldn't help but laugh at the idea.

I am, by their definition, a person who is poor and left wanting. I am socially at a loss in this world.

I could not be more okay with this.

The world tells me that what I earn as person defines the type of life I'll live. The idea could not be more absurd.

I live in America. I have never truly wanted or needed. If I have gone without, it is because I've chosen to do so and for no great period of time. I have never felt the desperation of finding shelter or a next meal. If life were to deal me into dire straights tomorrow, I would have family and friends to fall on.

The world tells me I am insignificant and yet, I'm not. Today, I really let it sink in, that I am blessed more so than the rest of the world and more so than most. There are others in the world that would consider what I have to make me royalty.

Think about that, take a moment and realize how fortunate and blessed you are. To know know what it is to truly want. To wake up in a war torn guerrilla warfare existence. To know that you will not have to forage or beg for food. Say what you will, but epidemics and disease don't run rampant in the country. We have no warlords or extremely corrupt politicians or dictators.

I live better than 95% of the world! And today, I can only thank God for what I have. To never know want. To be blessed in this life and to realize it, is truly a gift.

I will go to sleep tonight, thanking and loving a God who loves and blesses me more than I deserve.

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