Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Step right up....

(below is me being a little silly, taking on a nonbeliever. feel free to add comments)

When did it become hip to bash Christianity? I hate this stereotype that Christians are bleeding heart hypocrites that are viewed as idiots for their beliefs.

Ironically, I feel the same about the people who throw rocks at my beliefs. Sure it's easy to join the band wagon and poke holes in anyone's beliefs. However, before you mock me, maybe you should stand up for what you believe in.

If you're an atheist, good for you. You either don't believe in God or you believe that we evolved from a lesser being according to science and what science has proven. You say something along the lines of, Religion is man made and fallible. Science can be proved. Science proves all things. Yeah? First of all, science is another one of those "man made" things. And according to that, that means it can be argued and proven wrong. For those of you that say, "no it can't." I say, look at how science offers theory's, then adds, changes or discards those theory's. And that's what most of science has to offer... theory's. By the way, evolution can be proved just as much as God is real according to the "scientific method." So, I'd like to take the time to negate science as a leg to stand on, in an argument against my beliefs.

Also, for those of you, who just think that there is no God. Cool, I don't mind arguing this point. If there is no God, then fine, you win. Nothing happens when you die and this life was a giant coincidental waste of time... whoop-ey. From your point of view, you were right. but you're dead and it only took dying to figure it out. You can't gloat any way cuz like I said, you're dead. You can look at it like I wasted my life. Fine, I lived my life to a set of standards. I tried to leave this world a better place and found comfort in the others that shared my beliefs and all that jazz. But, let's take a look as to what's on the other side of that coin, shall we? If I'm right , then you're screwed.

"Well, if God is real, then all I have to do is ask for forgiveness and I'll still get to go to heaven." Holy crap, let's pretend for a second that God is not retarded. Since there is a God that created the whole universe and understand the complexities of making life, planets and stuff that he wouldn't have thought all this through, just so some jerk off could find a loop hole in the system and make God look like a giant d'bag.

"How do explain all the bad things that happen in life? Why doesn't God step in and do something about it?" ...Why don't you do something about it? I'm sick of people using this line. This life is packed full of free will-ie goodness. You, like everyone else has a choice. There are good things in life as well as bad. Sometimes it needs to be chalked up a learning experience, a gift, or a loss. regardless of what happens in life, you have the choice to change and over come your circumstances. Plus, good can come out of any situation.

"What about the golden rule, how do you explain the people outside of abortion clinics with those awful signs? Same situation with Christians at gay pride rallies." If you believe that all Christians are like this, then all Muslims are in Al Queda. For the record, i don't believe all Muslims are in Al Queda. It's unfair to compare one group with a bunch of extremists. Don't compare me to some extremist groups of Christians who exploit the Bible to express personal beliefs and spew hate. Most of us live by Jesus' example. Love everyone, no questions asked. Hate the sin, not the sinner.

"What about Biblical conspiracies, hypocrisy's, and possible missing chapters?" Who cares? If a chocolate cake was missing a slice, would that make it any less of a chocolate cake? If the bible is missing chapters it probably doesn't matter. All the important parts are still there. If a chapter was missing out of harry potter or any other story, chances are you'd be able to figure out what's going on... why would the bible be different? I get the gist of the story. The beginning talks about God and everything leading up to the birth of Jesus. He sent his son in the middle of the story who died for us so we can go to heaven. God wins the fight at the end. All you have to do is say the sinners prayer. You don't have to be the guy in the chuck e. cheese outfit to figure this out.

"I believe in God, I don't believe in hell though..." (reaching for the advil) To say you believe absolutely in something, such as God. If he tells you there's a hell, then there's a hell. He talks about it, his son talks about it. I don't understand the problem here. Do you think the whole devil/Lucifer/dark prince talk is just filler to make the Bible a darn good read? It's there. If you don't believe me, you're always welcome to go, we'll wait here.

"what makes you think you're religion is the best?" Now here is a good question. 90% of the whole worldly population believes in some sort of God. We can safely assume that we're not all looking off each other's papers because there are different versions of all major religions. If you're another religion, that's fine. Hope you change your mind, if you have questions, come see me, I'll help out. However, Religion is an awful term. I have faith. I like to think I have a relationship with God. I think if people had these two things it'd solve a lot of problems.

I'm actually stopping here for now.

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